Behind Mizu 212
Los Angeles, CA 90025
Ketchy's II Place Page
Colonel Mustard, Side Of Fries, and I decided to celebrate Rosh Hashana by eating something non-kosher, and non-kosher beef with dairy on top seemed like the way to go.
We headed off to Ketchy's II in Little Tokyo in Santa Monica--Asian girls are hot. Yes, there was a Ketchy's (I?), but that one was run over by an old, Japanese gardener, and they couldn't get the property re-zoned, so Ketchy's II was the only option....and now you know.
Ketchy's II is a classic, hamburger stand--outside seating only (8 seats at 4 tiny tables), so small that it barely warrants its own address, and only one or two guys can fit behind the ordering counter.
For about $6.50 we got a cheeseburger, fries, and a drink.
The burger breakdown....
- The Beef: It tasted like a lean, 90:10 Chuck. It tasted strongly of aging, which was nice. It was pretty bloodless, so the only real flavor came from the aging.
- The Sear: The griddle gave the burger a decent, but not impressive sear. The thin patty would have turned to dust if it was on the heat long enough to get a thick sear.
- The Seasoning: There was only a hint of salt on the exterior, and not a taste of it within the patty itself. This was a damn shame, because they used a really nice seasoning blend on the fries, which would have been great on and in the actual meat.
- The Preparation: Griddled hard, pressed flat, Well-Done.
- The Bun: A standard, non-seeded, hamburger bun, but it was moist. Even though it was toasted on both sides, the bun retained enough moisture to compensate for the dryness of the patty.
- The Meat to Bun Ratio: This was very nearly perfect--maybe 5% too much bun--if the patty had been juicy, the bun would have been dead on.
- The Cheese: The American cheese was perfectly melted and, when coupled with the soft bun, provided enough moisture to make for a pleasing bite that didn't require a beverage to wash down.
Did I mention that Asian girls are hot?
Burger Review : Above average value for a slightly above average cheeseburger.
Rating...3 Bites
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